Friday, November 12, 2010

change / time

You can not change the world,the only person you can change is yourself.By changing youself, you thus change the world.Change of venue.Perspective.It has been 15 years since high school.Sometimes it feels like that was ages ago and other times it feels like it was just yesterday I walked into those halls,and across that stage to get my diploma.My nephew turned 16 this past July,it seems like it was just yesterday my sister was giving birth to him,and now he is 16,getting his driver's liscence and is 6"1.In the Bible it says that our time is not God's.He created it.And He is ifinitely more patient than we are.Like children to biological parents, it seems like forever when we want something,but once it happens we forget the waiting becuase it is that much sweeter when we do recieve it.We are HIS children.And at times feel like I am not progressing, but have to see where I been.Not like Lot's wife.Much like my name sake, my sins, wrongs are always before me.I can not do it by myself.When will I be humble and let HIM do it?Feel like the Pharasees and Saducess ...have a knowledge of Scripture but not getting the nuences,spirit behind the Word.